Charlie Arthur is a registered voter in the 24th Legislative district of Washington state, and voter in the 6th district for US House of Representatives. He Believes in Term Limits and Lower government spending. Liberty and Truth. Politics should not be a career choice, but a duty and a privilege.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Graceful Exit Term Limit

Most voters that I speak with are in agreement that our state legislators need to by refreshed(recycled) and allowed to be reintroduced to life outside of public office.  To have a democracy and representative form of government we will need to stop the career politicians from getting their claws into their elected position.  As demostrated recently by the Washington State legislature, the current senators and representatives are NOT representing the people.
To assist in correcting the state of the state, I present the Graceful Exit Term Limit.  The trick is to get the reps and senators to actually vote for this, so what I propose is the following:
1) any rep or senator currently in office during the vote will be allowed to run 1 more term after their current term, regardless of how many previous terms.  So this would allow for a politician to not fear for their livelihood if they are actually relying on the paycheck.  They can look good by voting for what the people need and want, and be secure in knowing they have a little more time to put their resume together.
2) reps will have a term limit of 2 terms and senators 2 terms
I think this would make the legislators look really good.  It would also allow for new and fresh ideas to get in.  It is fairly obvious that our state needs some new ideas, but the same old people keep getting elected.  It is time for REAL hope and change in Washington State

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